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Dirty Banana- Take One

No, not that. Get you mind out of the gutter. A Dirty Banana is a banana milkshake-like alcoholic beverage with a hint of creamy coffee flavoring that we were introduced while honeymooning at the resort in Jamaica. I don't even want to think about how many of these I drank (and how many calories I consumed in doing so). It goes down so smoothly, and you definitely don't even realize you are drinking alcohol. According to the bar's drink menu, this drink contained coffee liqueur (our choice was Bailey's), rum cream, milk, simple syrup, ice and a half of a banana (plus a shot of rum if you think it needs more alcohol, something Dustin and I disagreed upon).

We didn't have all of those ingredients on hand, so instead I simply blended 1 cup of yogurt, 1 cup of ice, a banana, a couple of shots of Bailey's, a shot of Kahlua, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, and a splash of milk for my own version of a Dirty Banana. It was good, but not as good as what we tasted in Jamaica. Next time we hit the liquor store, I think we'll have to invest in the appropriate ingredients and try following this recipe, although there is some debate in the comment section about the addition of chocolate and Jamaica's own Appleton Rum. I guess we'll just have to experiment thoroughly until we get it right!