a food blog by erin
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Cake Batter Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge

Cake Batter Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge
I've been wanting to make cake batter fudge, and I've been wanting to make cookies 'n' cream fudge. What would be the smart move here? Combining the two and making cake batter cookies 'n' cream fudge, of course! Inspired by Birthday Cake Oreos (I used them all up making this fudge, so I promise I'm done using them in recipes for awhile), these...
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Fried {Birthday Cake} Oreos

Fried {Birthday Cake} Oreos
This is the first year that I can remember where I will not be attending the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo at least once. For anybody that doesn't know about Houston's big event, it's the largest rodeo in the world. It's a ton of fun from eating barbecue and every sort of fried junk food you can imagine, to a carnival, to actually watching a...
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Salted Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce

Salted Vanilla Bourbon Caramel Sauce
During our trip to the Northwest Chocolate Festival last September, we sat in on a tutorial on how to make salted caramel sauce. I had some cream in the fridge with no other planned purpose, just waiting to expire. With Valentine's Day coming up next week, I figured I could come up with a special dessert to incorporate caramel sauce into. Sounds...
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Homemade Vanilla Marshmallows (Plus S'mores)

Homemade Vanilla Marshmallows (Plus S'mores)
Last weekend we went to a Microsoft holiday party (a month after the holiday, but a holiday party nonetheless). I still haven't figured out how Microsoft (or at least Dustin's area of the company) throws a party. This year's theme was a masquerade ball. In theory it was fun, but the execution was not the greatest. Someone dressed as Buddy the...
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Maple Cinnamon Cashew Butter

Maple Cinnamon Cashew Butter
Actually this is Maple Cinnamon Cashew Macadamia Nut Butter, but that title was just a tad too long. And it's mostly cashew butter. The texture of this nut butter is quite different from your standard peanut butter. It's almost chalkier, if that makes any sense, and doesn't spread quite as easy (at least not after it's been in the fridge)....
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Homemade Nutella

Homemade Nutella
What should you do with a bag of leftover hazelnuts? Make homemade Nutella, of course! After I realized how easy it was to make homemade nut butters, I am planning on doing my own experimentation with a variety of nuts and flavorings. My homemade Nutella didn't quite taste like the real thing. Dustin said it wasn't quite as sweet (which I...
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Momofuku Crack Pie

Momofuku Crack Pie
No, there is no crack in this legendary "pie" from Momofuku Milk Bar, but it is so addictive that you can't stop eating it according to many :). It doesn't look like anything special, but it's a rich and gooey treat that has a flavor quite unlike anything you've ever tasted before. The best way to describe it is kind of like pecan pie filling,...
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Eggnog Cheesecake with Gingerbread Crust

Eggnog Cheesecake with Gingerbread Crust
Merry Christmas 2012! Currently sitting in our fridge waiting to be eaten later tonight for Christmas dessert is this eggnog cheesecake with a gingerbread crust, topped with crushed peppermints. All three popular Christmas flavors rolled into one (hopefully) delicious and rich cheesecake. I hope it tastes as good as it looks (UPDATE: it...
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Chocolate Peppermint Whoopie Pies

Chocolate Peppermint Whoopie Pies
I present to you the next installment of my holiday baking adventure... chocolate peppermint whoopie pies! My second attempt at making whoopie pies was much better than my first, that's for sure. I'm not sure where I went wrong last time because my batters looked quite similar (perhaps this time my usage of butter and shortening instead of all...
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pretzel Sandwiches

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pretzel Sandwiches
This might be too simple to be called a recipe, but it's pretty much the perfect dessert— sweet, brown buttered cookie dough sandwiched between two salty pretzels. covered in white chocolate and dipped in sprinkles. Sweet and salty are the perfect (and dangerous) combination. Just as it is hard to eat a single pretzel, it's hard to eat just a...
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