a food blog by erin
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Peanut Butter and Banana Granola

Peanut Butter and Banana Granola
We've found this incredibly tasty chocolate almond granola at Trader Joe's, and now we constantly eat homemade yogurt parfaits for breakfast. I'm not going to lie that a large chunk of the reason I get excited about pulling out the blender every morning is the crunch of that granola. I started thinking what other flavors I'd want in my granola,...
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Patriotic Chocolate Chip Waffles with Bourbon Maple Syrup

Patriotic Chocolate Chip Waffles with Bourbon Maple Syrup
The 4th of July party and all of the desserts were a success. We started baking at 7 AM, but before that, we ate a delicious and somewhat decadent breakfast— buttermilk chocolate chip waffles with bourbon maple syrup, decorated to look like an American flag with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream. I definitely dug the bourbon maple...
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Crystallized Ginger Pancakes

Crystallized Ginger Pancakes
Soon after we moved out here, I tried some candied ginger oatcakes for brunch at one of our favorite spots in Redmond. I never realized how much I like crystallized or candied ginger. I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise given my love for gingerbread. I bought a big bag of crystallized ginger last time we were at Penzey's. I used a good chunk...
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Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes

Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes
While eating at Kerbey Lane during my visit to Texas, I ate some absolutely delicious lemon poppyseed pancakes (in addition to a lot of the famous Kerbey Queso). I love all of the different pancakes at Kerbey Lane and had a difficult time deciding which flavor to order. These ones were basically like lemon poppyseed muffins with the glaze and...
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Nutella and Strawberry Pepper Jam Crepes

Nutella and Strawberry Pepper Jam Crepes
These crepes are some of the best brunch food we've made in a while. We've put off making crepes because we didn't have all of the right equipment and pans, but you really don't need special equipment to make these ultra thin pancakes, and they really aren't as delicate as you'd think. I was terrified we'd rip them, but they came out quite...
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Nutella Fried Matzo

Nutella Fried Matzo
We started our use of leftover matzo by making one of Dustin's favorite treats— fried matzo. We didn't have any regular milk in the house, only vanilla almond milk, so we decided it was best to go with a sweet version of the dish. We had some overly ripe, perfectly sweet bananas sitting on the counter, a carton of juicy red strawberries in the...
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Strawberry & Blueberry Galette

Strawberry & Blueberry Galette
In between all of Erin's traveling, she managed to share her graces with me for a mere twelve hours between flights. She'd had a series of annoying and frustrating travels, so I wanted to give her one comfort of home. Since she got in real late, and was leaving before lunch, that meant I was cooking breakfast! Knowing Erin's love for sweets,...
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Red Velvet Pancakes

Red Velvet Pancakes
Our first Valentine's Day as a married couple will be spent apart, as I will be leaving for New York at 7 AM on Thursday (fingers crossed NYC will have recovered from the blizzard and there aren't any more storms on the way), so we celebrated Valentine's Day a little early with red velvet pancakes and cream cheese glaze for brunch over the...
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Jalapeño Pecan Pancakes

Jalapeño Pecan Pancakes
We already had the buttermilk from the Chopped Stetson Salad dressing and a large box of pecans sent to us from Texas (thanks Uncle Kevin), so we decided to continue with our restaurant recreations from our trip to Arizona by cooking up some jalapeño pancakes for brunch this weekend. It was such an interesting flavor combination that we would...
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Champagne Waffles

Champagne Waffles
I stumbled upon a recipe for waffles using champagne in the batter around New Year's Eve as a way to use up leftover champagne from an evening of celebration. We weren't planning on eating breakfast on New Year's Day, as we didn't plan on getting up until afternoon, and even then we didn't plan on cooking. I decided maybe this would be a fun...
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